SSR for Hackers

Attempting SSR in Elm

Published on Mar 11th, 2020

What’s “SSR”?

So back in the day, JavaScript didn’t have a bunch of cool frameworks. Most people used jQuery, and avoided JS as much as humanly possible.

When someone made a request to a website:

  1. The server saw a path like /posts/hello
  2. It fetched all the content from a database or something
  3. It rendered the HTML
  4. It sent it back to the user

So before any JavaScript even ran on the page, you’d get something like this back:

    <h1>Hey there!</h1>
    <p>Welcome to my website</p>

And that was it! Rendering the content on the server is called “server side rendering”. But holy boy, times have changed and things got a whole lot more complicated.

Client-side rendering?

Most JavaScript frameworks and modern technologies do “client side rendering”, meaning they do the following sequence of steps:

  1. The server saw a path like /posts/hello
  2. It fetched all the content from a database or something
  3. It sent that raw data to the user
  4. JavaScript rendered the HTML

And now, before any scripts ran on the page, your browser gets something like this:

    <div id="app"></app>
      let node = document.getElementById('app')

Here, FancyBoi could be React, Vue, or Elm. They all wait until the JavaScript has loaded to render the view the user sees!

How do we get SSR?

So rendering Elm in HTML looks something like this:

import Html exposing (Html, div, h1, h2, text)
import Html.Attributes exposing (class)

view : Html msg
view =
  div [ class "hero" ]
      [ h1 [ class "hero__title" ] [ text "Hello!" ]
      , h2 [ class "hero__subtitle" ] [ text "Sup?" ]

When the JavaScript on the page loads, Elm renders this under the hood:

<div class="hero">
  <h1 class="hero__title">Hello!</h1>
  <h2 class="hero__subtitle">Sup?</h2>
  • Functions like div, h1, and h2 take in a list of attributes followed by a list of children.
  • Functions like text just take a String and render it to the DOM.

If we wanted to write Elm code that rendered on the server, we’d need a way to render the HTML data structure as a string on the backend. The elm/html package wasn’t designed for folks to do things like this, so we’ll need to roll our own shady garbage.

For this experiment, we can create our own custom type to capture the types of HTML elements we want to render!

type Html msg
    = Node String (List (Attribute msg)) (List (Html msg))
    | Text String

Here we say Html is one of two things:

  1. A node with attributes and children
  2. Some text we want to render

Making Ssr.Html

In a file at src/Ssr/Html.elm let’s build an API on top of that data structure:

module Ssr.Html exposing
    ( Html
    , node, div, h1, h2
    , text

import Ssr.Attributes exposing (Attribute)

type Html msg
    = Node String (List (Attribute msg)) (List (Html msg))
    | Text String

node : String -> List (Attribute msg) -> List (Html msg) -> Html msg
node =

div : List (Attribute msg) -> List (Html msg) -> Html msg
div =
    node "div"

h1 : List (Attribute msg) -> List (Html msg) -> Html msg
h1 =
    node "h1"

h2 : List (Attribute msg) -> List (Html msg) -> Html msg
h2 =
    node "h2"

text : String -> Html msg
text =

We’ll also need to define src/Ssr/Attributes.elm to support adding attributes and events:

module Ssr.Attributes exposing
    ( Attribute
    , attribute, id, class
    , event, onClick
import Json.Decode as Json exposing (Decoder)
type Attribute msg
    = Attribute String String
    | Event String (Decoder msg)

attribute : String -> String -> Attribute msg
attribute =
class : String -> Attribute msg
class =
    attribute "class"

event : String -> Decoder msg -> Attribute msg
event =
onClick : msg -> Attribute msg
onClick msg =
    event "click" (Json.succeed msg)

Aaaand… it’s useless.

With this API, we’re able to write HTML that looks just like elm/html, the only difference is we need to update our import statement to use the new module:

import Ssr.Html exposing (Html, div, h1, h2, text)
import Ssr.Attributes exposing (class)

view : Html msg
view =
    div [ class "hero" ]
        [ h1 [ class "hero__title" ] [ text "Hello!" ]
        , h2 [ class "hero__subtitle" ] [ text "Sup?" ]

The new Ssr.Html and Ssr.Attributes are working great for building up data structures, but we can’t do anything with them! We need to actually render Html:

  1. The static server-side markup like <h1>Hello</h1>
  2. The living, breathing HTML that Elm uses so we can click buttons and do actual stuff!

For that reason, Ssr.Html and Ssr.Attributes need to expose two new functions:

module Ssr.Html exposing
    ( ...
    , toString, toHtml

import Ssr.Attributes as Attr exposing (Attribute)
import Html as Core

type Html msg
    = Node String (List (Attribute msg)) (List (Html msg))
    | Text String
toString : Html msg -> String
toString html =
    case html of
        Node tag attrs children ->
                [ "<", tag, Attr.toString attrs, ">"
                , String.concat ( toString children)
                , "</", tag, ">"
        Text string ->
            -- ensure HTML safe characters
            htmlEncode string

toHtml : Html msg -> Core.Html msg
toHtml html =
    case html of
        Node tag attributes children ->
            Core.node tag ( Attr.toAttribute attributes) ( toHtml children)

        Text string ->
            Core.text string

Now we can have two entrpoints to our app, src/Main/Ssr.elm and src/Main/Client.elm that reuse that same Ssr.Html markup for different outputs:

module Main.Ssr exposing (main)

main : Program Flags Model Msg
main =
        { -- uses Ssr.Html.toString
module Main.Client exposing (main)

main : Program Flags Model Msg
main =
        { -- uses Ssr.Html.toHtml

When it comes time to call elm make, src/Main/Ssr.elm is used by NodeJS to generate static HTML files, while src/Main/Client.elm is used to rehydrate the app when the JavaScript loads.

That results in something like this:

A slick 98/100/100/100 google lighthouse raiting, because this page is blazing fast and accessible bro

Want more details?

You can check out the source code for my old website on GitHub:

Thanks for reading!