Published on Feb 10th, 2020
Someone reached out to me recently about how i generated Elm code with Elm for elm-spa. At a high-level, this post is about the things you’ll need to do to create your own library.
Designing for the Elm community?
Code generation is neat, but having a well-designed package is a better outcome! Elm folks can easily understand functions and data types over your custom library.
Creating the Elm project
Let’s create a new elm project from the command line:
mkdir codegen
cd codegen
elm init
Those commands will create a new project in the codegen
From there, we’ll use Platform.worker to create a “headless” elm app that doesn’t render to the DOM with a view
We can do this by creating src/Main.elm
module Main exposing (main)
type alias Flags =
main : Program Flags Model Msg
main =
{ init = init
, update = update
, subscriptions = always Sub.none
type alias Model =
init : Flags -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
init _ =
( (), Cmd.none )
type alias Msg =
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update _ model =
( model, Cmd.none )
The way our Platform.worker
will communicate with the outside world is with ports. These will allow us to send messages back and forth to NodeJS!
Let’s create a src/Ports.elm
file for that code
port module Ports exposing (send)
port send : String -> Cmd msg
For now we’ll only expose Ports.send
, which when given a String
, will send a message to NodeJS!
Let’s update our src/Main.elm
to send that message on init
(when the app starts up):
module Main exposing (main)
import Ports
-- ...
type alias Model =
init : Flags -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
init _ =
( ()
, Ports.send "Hello from Elm!"
-- ...
That’s enough Elm for now, let’s make sure your app compiles:
elm make src/Main.elm --output=dist/elm.js --optimize
Hopefully, you’ll see Success!
and you’ll have a new file at dist/elm.js
The Node.js part
Alright, let’s use the Elm program we just compiled in a new NodeJS program at index.js
const { Elm } = require('./dist/elm.js')
const app = Elm.Main.init()
This is a simple program that does three things:
- imports the elm app we compiled earlier
- starts the app
- listens on the
port for messages.
Run the app like this:
node index.js
You should see this in the output:
Hello from Elm!
code generation!
Alright, if all the steps above are working, we’re ready to generate some Elm code!
Let’s imagine this is the app we want to make:
We receive a list of pages. (
"Dashboard", "AboutUs", "NotFound"
) -
We need to generate a
file like this:
module Route exposing (routes)
import Url.Parser as Parser exposing (Parser)
type Route
= Dashboard
| AboutUs
| NotFound
routes : Parser (Route -> a) a
routes =
[ Dashboard (Parser.s "dashboard")
, AboutUs (Parser.s "about-us")
, NotFound (Parser.s "not-found")
Let’s upgrade our existing app piece by piece to support this.
But first!
Something I did not do when writing the elm-spa code generator was use elm-test
. That was stupid, I feel stupid. Now I come back to my code and am very spooked.
I’m not much of a unit testing kinda guy, but holy boy I should have written tests for these things because i forgot how they worked like a week later.
Setting up elm-test
npm i -g elm-test
elm-test init
That’s it– great job, we’ll add some in soon!
Taking input from nodejs
Let’s add in some flags, so we can take in JSON input from NodeJS
Here’s src/Main.elm
module Main exposing (main)
-- ...
type alias Flags =
List String
init : Flags ->
-- ...
And here’s the new index.js
const { Elm } = require('./dist/elm.js')
const app = Elm.Main.init({
flags: [ "Dashboard", "AboutUs", "NotFound" ]
Let’s see if our Elm app received them, by printing them back out with our Ports.send
from earlier:
init : Flags -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
init flags =
( ()
, Ports.send (String.join ", " flags)
Let’s rebuild the app, and run it again!
elm make src/Main.elm --output=dist/elm.js --optimize
node index.js
You should see this output:
Dashboard, AboutUs, NotFound
Sick, bro!
Rendering an Elm file
The next step is to use a different function than String.join ", "
to convert the input into a dist/Routes.elm
Let’s create a module called src/Route.elm
to contain our functions:
module Route exposing (render)
render : List String -> String
render names =
String.trim """
module Route exposing (routes)
import Url.Parser as Parser exposing (Parser)
type Route
= Dashboard
| AboutUs
| NotFound
routes : Parser (Route -> a) a
routes =
[ Dashboard (Parser.s "dashboard")
, AboutUs (Parser.s "about-us")
, NotFound (Parser.s "not-found")
And we’ll use Routes.render
in the init
function in src/Main.elm
import Route
init : Flags -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
init flags =
( ()
, Ports.send (Route.render flags)
Now when we recompile and run the app:
elm make src/Main.elm --output=dist/elm.js --optimize
node index.js
We should see this printed out in the console:
module Route exposing (routes)
import Url.Parser as Parser exposing (Parser)
type Route
= Dashboard
| AboutUs
| NotFound
routes : Parser (Route -> a) a
routes =
[ Dashboard (Parser.s "dashboard")
, AboutUs (Parser.s "about-us")
, NotFound (Parser.s "not-found")
“String interpolation” in Elm
To make the code printed out dynamic, we’ll need to replace the hard-coded custom type and parsers with ones generated from the data.
To do that, we’ll need to replace the content in the template with a string that reflects the code we want.
This is the technique I used for elm-spa
import Utils.Template as Utils
render : List String -> String
render names =
routeCustomType =
|> Utils.customType
|> Utils.indent 1
routeParsers =
|> toParser
|> Utils.list
|> Utils.indent 2
module Route exposing (routes)
import Url.Parser as Parser exposing (Parser)
type Route
routes : Parser (Route -> a) a
routes =
|> String.replace "{{routeCustomType}}" routeCustomType
|> String.replace "{{routeParsers}}" routeParsers
|> String.trim
By using the {{variableName}}
syntax, I can use String.replace
to insert the dynamic value into the string where I want it.
As a convention, I made the variable name match the name inside {{}}
, so it would be easier to find.
I also found it helpful to create an indent
function to take care of the proper tab formatting for me.
Unit tests!
Something I failed to do with elm-spa was to write unit tests for the Utils.Templates
functions, and especially for the Route.render
This time around, I used elm-test
to write tests like these:
module Tests.Utils.Template exposing (suite)
import Expect
import Test exposing (Test, describe, test)
import Utils.Template
suite : Test
suite =
describe "Utils.Template"
[ describe "sluggify"
[ test "works with CamelCase things" <|
\_ ->
[ "HelloThere"
, "What"
, "IsUpDood?"
|> Utils.Template.sluggify
|> Expect.equalLists
[ "hello-there"
, "what"
, "is-up-dood?"
-- (more sluggify tests)
-- (tests for the other functions)
Having simple examples of what I expect is super useful when referencing things again later. I really wish I had done this work up front when working on elm-spa…
It was even more useful for Route.render
, where I could see the full result of a template.
As the template code got more complex, I found myself wishing for a simple example of input/output I could glance at to understand what I was looking at!
module Tests.Route exposing (suite)
import Expect
import Route
import Test exposing (Test, describe, test)
suite : Test
suite =
describe "Route"
[ describe "render"
[ test "works with one item" <|
\_ ->
[ "Dashboard" ]
|> Route.render
|> Expect.equal (String.trim """
module Route exposing (routes)
import Url.Parser as Parser exposing (Parser)
type Route
= Dashboard
routes : Parser (Route -> a) a
routes =
[ Dashboard (Parser.s "dashboard")
-- (example with multiple items)
If you’d like to see the actual implementation for Utils.Template
functions or things like the Route.toParser
function, you can click those links.
They’re just functions that return String
values, so I didn’t want to get into them too much here!
Actually creating code
Alright, so if we update our index.js
to send in different input data:
const app = Elm.Main.init({
flags: [
And run the latest code, we should see the console print out this:
module Route exposing (routes)
import Url.Parser as Parser exposing (Parser)
type Route
= Dashboard
| AboutUs
| Careers
| NotFound
routes : Parser (Route -> a) a
routes =
[ Dashboard (Parser.s "dashboard")
, AboutUs (Parser.s "about-us")
, Careers (Parser.s "careers")
, NotFound (Parser.s "not-found")
Awesome, our new Careers
item is inserted where we’d expect!
Let’s actually use NodeJS to write out that string as a file: dist/Route.elm
, and we’re done!
const fs = require('fs')
const path = require('path')
const { Elm } = require('./dist/elm.js')
const app = Elm.Main.init({
flags: [
app.ports.log.subscribe(routeFileContents =>
path.join(__dirname, 'dist', 'Route.elm'),
After importing fs
and path
at the top, and replace the console.log
with something like fs.writeFileSync
, we can actually write a file out to the file system.
If we build and run our app one last time:
elm make src/Main.elm --output=dist/elm.js --optimize
node index.js
This time, a new file is ready at dist/Route.elm
, and it looks like this:
module Route exposing (routes)
import Url.Parser as Parser exposing (Parser)
type Route
= Dashboard
| AboutUs
| Careers
| NotFound
routes : Parser (Route -> a) a
routes =
[ Dashboard (Parser.s "dashboard")
, AboutUs (Parser.s "about-us")
, Careers (Parser.s "careers")
, NotFound (Parser.s "not-found")
That’s it– We made Elm code with Elm code (and like 20 lines of JS)! For your project, you might get your input list from another source.
For example, elm-spa uses the names of items in the src/Pages
folder to determine what code to generate.
Thanks for reading, hope this post was useful!
Feel free to check out the project on Github!